Creating opportunities to help people in East Kent to live happier and healthier lives

Elizabeth Davidson

Elizabeth is a Fitness Instructor & Certified Primal Health Coach with a Sports Nutrition Diploma and a Diet and Nutrition Advanced Diploma. She was a lifelong dieter and exerciser and followed the advice of eat less and exercise more. However, this mix of a low fat, high carb diet plus excessive exercise caused her to suffer with chest colds and IBS (to the point of hospitalisation). This was until 2012 when she discovered Primal Health. Now she eats more and exercises less and hasn’t suffered again with IBS and has dramatically reduced the number of colds experienced. Primal is ancestral living but in the modern world, it recognises and removes the dietary toxins and lifestyle stressors which are known to cause weight gain and poor health. This enables people to lower inflammation, improve health markers, increase energy, manage weight, minimise the risk of illness and disease, delay the signs of aging, reduce Free Radical damage and increase their longevity. Primal Health also takes care of other lifestyle factors such as poor sleep, excessive stress and gut health. All these elements fit together like the cogs of a machine, if one cog is out of place it can result in an ill-running machine.

As a Primal Health Coach, she helps others to learn not only the importance of consuming real whole food but also the dangers of refined foods such as grain-based products, vegetable oils and artificial sweeteners. Elizabeth does this via a free Social Networking Group, & free on-line Challenges and Workshops. She now runs on-line paid for Courses for groups and one-to-one coaching. She enjoys and specialises in helping people to lower their weight and improve their health. She does this through either one-to-one coaching or within a fully guided and supported Membership with accountability opportunities for as long as the member needs it. This allows the time they need to implement life changing transformations without the pressure of a deadline, and affordability, spreading the cost over a longer time period and a reduced cost for a group programme. Elizabeth also collaborates with an Obesity Campaigner, and fellow Public Health Collaboration Ambassador, to discuss weight loss and healthy eating in a live once-a-week on-line TV/Radio Podcast.

The Membership empowers members with the knowledge and tools, helping them to take back control of their diet and lifestyle. This allows them to achieve healthy weight loss and maintain their weight, helping them to gain back their self-confidence, improve their health to embrace life again with newfound energy to do it, and live a happy and sustainable lifestyle for the long term. It also helps with Mindset, Habit Building and Planning Ahead for success and comes complete with Accountability & Self-Assessment Reviews.


Weight & Health Advisor, Primal Health Coach, Diet & Nutrition, Fitness & Sports Nutrition
