Creating opportunities to help people in East Kent to live happier and healthier lives

Charlotte Fraser

Charlotte Fraser BA Hons, Dip. NNP, Dip. AIT is an award-winning nutritionist with over twenty years of experience in the wellness sector. Naturopathic Nutrition is holistic and preventative in approach. We look at symptoms within the context of the whole person, to seek out their root cause, and to restore and maintain the natural balance of the body.

Charlotte is also the co-founder of The Whole Student Programme© which provides holistic health and wellbeing support to students aged 12-19 to help them prosper in health, life and in their learning.

A keen writer, Charlotte has previously written a nutrition column and her writing and commentary has appeared in Country House Magazine, City AM, Richmond Magazine, Telegraph Magazine, Sydney Morning Herald, Harper’s Bazaar, ELLE, and Essential Surrey.

Charlotte works dynamically with the client on a physical, emotional, mental, and physiological level to bring about sustainable, long-term change in their health and wellbeing. No two people are the same and Charlotte tailors every programme to individual needs and circumstances.

Awareness is, Charlotte believes, 90% of the cure and she places considerable emphasis on mindset and helping clients to gain better self-knowledge and understanding. She provides detailed follow-up notes and offers scientific cognitive testing with Cambridge Brain Sciences in addition to screening for anxiety, depression, stress, and ADHD. She also offers food intolerance testing and vitamin and mineral analysis.

Charlotte treats a range of conditions from gut and cognitive health, fertility and autoimmune disorders to chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, ADHD and Long Covid. Her area of special interest is in the ‘Gut / Brain Axis’.

Gut/Brain Axis, Naturopath and Nutritionist
