Caroline Purvey, a dedicated visionary, has invested over a decade of her life in crafting a distinctive, sustainable, and cost-effective programme aimed at eradicating needless suffering stemming from stress, overwhelm, and trauma. At the helm of the esteemed and trustworthy brand TRE UK®, her transformative Total Release Experience®, FHT Internationally Accredited programme, touches the lives of individuals worldwide, be they men, women, or children.
International speaker recognised as the International Association of Top Professionals (IAOTP) CEO of the Year 2023 in Alternative and Natural Health, she has also been honoured with an Honorary Doctorate in Natural Medicine from Azteca University International. Her lived experience as the author of the #1 bestseller ‘Feel It To Heal It’ is vouched for by professionals spanning doctors, counsellors, therapists, and psychologists.
What truly sets her apart is the validation and accreditation her programme has received, along with its adoption by critical services like Fire & Rescue, Police, Military and Prison Services and more recently MIND. Caroline’s expertise knows no equal, matched only by her unwavering drive and passion.
With her son, Daniel, they have evolved the Release Recover Discover© (RRD) Programme through the RRD Community Interest Company they seek to raise funds to support schools with training so that students can learn the programme so they do not carry their childhood trauma into their adult life. This groundbreaking initiative offers a measurable and scalable solution to the burgeoning crisis of the impact stress and trauma has on the physical, mental, and emotional well-being, of young people. By training facilitators, they are poised to extend their reach to bespoke groups or individuals most in need of a supported healing journey. This expansion finds support from collaborations with Charities, Organizations, Health professionals, and the Service Sector, creating a holistic approach to healing and transformation.