Creating opportunities to help people in East Kent to live happier and healthier lives

Ana Paula Nacif

Ana has contributed to various publications, including the International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, Coaching Perspectives and Philosophy of Coaching, among others.

She comes into coaching from a senior management background, including board level experience.

She is a fully qualified and accredited coach, and is currently studying for a Doctorate in Coaching and Mentoring, with a focus on well-being.

Training & Facilitation – Ana provides training in management, leadership & coaching. She also provides facilitation support for teams & leadership group events and workshops. These help individuals and organisations to grow and develop.  

Well-being – Ana delivers well-being coaching programmes on behalf of organisations working in local communities as well as those working with people living with long-term health conditions. These programmes have delivered effective support and measurable benefits in well-being for participants.

Coach, Facilitator & Trainer


Email: ana<>